Posted by Hari in ,

Law of Inflation : Whatever goes up will go up some more !

Inflation, is an economic concept. What the cause of inflation is, is not important to us . What is important to us is the effect of inflation! The effect of inflation is the prices of everything going up over the years.

A movie ticket was for a few paise in my dad’s time. Now it is worth Rs.50. My dads first salary for the month was Rs.400 and over he years it has now become Rs.75,000. This is what inflation is, the price of everything goes up. Because the price goes up, the salaries go up. If you really thing about it, inflation makes the worth of money reduce. What you could buy in my dad’s time for Rs.10, now a days you will not be able to buy for Rs.400 also. The worth of money has reduced! If this is still not clear consider this, when my father was a kid, he used to get 50paise pocket money. He used to use this money to go and watch a movie (At that time you could watch a movie for 50paise!).Now, just for the sake of understanding assume that my dad decided in his childhood to save 50paise thinking, that one day when he becomes big, he will go for a movie. Many years pass. The year now is 2006. My dad goes to the theater and asks for a ticket. He offers the ticket-booth-guy at the theater 50paise and asks for a ticket. The ticket booth guy says, “I am sorry sir, the ticket is worth Rs.50. You will not be able to even buy a “paan” with the 50paise!!”

With the growing rate of inflation every year it feels like we should invest on inflation itself, because that is the only thing which keeps going up all the time and will continue to be so.

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 6, 2008 at 2:58 AM and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



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July 10, 2008 at 4:23 AM

similar one s Engg. coll fees.... it was 45K for me, n now in 4 yrs its has become 1L....

July 10, 2008 at 11:36 AM

Yeah rite..
Education is business now.. no more service

July 10, 2008 at 10:55 PM

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